The EastAngels of the Light Goddess are here

The EastAngels, the one and only Malaysian guild in the Teos server, was originally made on the 20th of October 2008 to gather all the Malaysian players and get to know fellow gamers all over the world in the great world of Shaiya. Led by our Rank 1 leader, Just4Fun and a board of Rank 2 Elders, EastAngels is a community group recommended for players of all modes especially new players since we have experts in all types of classes to aid you in getting to know your avatars. Be assured that you will never feel lonely in the game since we are a good guild for you to enjoy guild chat while grinding. Our members, ranging from NMs to UMs, are very friendly, actively involved in all sorts of events and some of us are capable to speak in multiple types of languages which include Malay, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Indonesian and etc. etc. Come and get to know us! We will welcome you with a smile!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

News on Today's GRB!

Hey Angels. 22nd of February marks the day of our fourth and last GRB this month. LOL. And it turns out really weird to tell you the truth. Not much to report on actually and you'll see why soon enough. LOL.

Set my alarm at 3.30 am and actually woke up to turn it off, I was asleep soon after and only woke up at 4.40 am!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. So nothing much to report on the early 40 minutes of GRB to tell you the truth. The number of participation was good when I joined up with the team on the last ten minutes of GRB. It was lead by our main UM defender, Ragi on Sayur; two mages were noted, Raul_WiX.aRD and Ano_Kun; darrenshan and FateWan on their archers; one ranger, Adrie_HM and two priest, me on HotNurseMiko and Antizen.

Unfortunately, three of our main GRB team members were unable to be there with us last night but everything turn out pretty well though we failed to get the final boss again this week due to the 1 hour time limit. By the end, we were able to collect 6.5k points by the end of it which makes us Guild no 35 in the Guild Ranking of Teos Server!!!!!!! ^^ 5 more guilds to go before we can get our own guildhouse Angels! Thanks to all GRBer today for your effort and congratulations. Lets hope next week will be even better!

And congratulations also to Waach for being February's Best Angel of the Month!!! *Shooting fireworks* Waach is also one of our earliest member in EA on Waach (NM ranger), Epod (HM defener), Aoemage_HM (HM mage) and SirAoe (Third HM mage for main GRB team). Thank you Waachy for all your support all this while to our guild and we are really glad that you are here to stay. You are truly and EastAngel, where the faithful belongs.

And congratulations also to Ragi, one of our Archangels for being top 3 in the Shaiya's KDR ranking! Not forgetting Mya on her ranger, Alma; thanks a lot for all your support towards the Guild Blog. Too bad you cant be here with us in the game but I assure you, Ragi misses his beloved Alma a lot! Good luck on your final exam Mya! LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

To all Angels, do check out the Angelic Collection for new pictures I uploaded in it. LOL. ^^ Cya guys in the next post.

- MikoNazuhan

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Only Three Nominees Left

Hey Angels. This is very sudden and brief but there's been a change in the list of the nominees for the Best Angel of the Month. I'm doing this to honour his request so to everyone who voted on the earlier poll, I would like to thank you once again. The new poll will be up as soon as possible.

And do have a look at some of the pictures I posted in the Angelic Collection where Ragi and I went to do some Dread farming in Cloron's Lair. ^^ Just something for you guys to woo on. LOLOLOLOL.

Cya guys in the next post, which will be longer than this I guess. LOL.

- MikoNazuhan

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Four Nominees

Hello again Angels. ^^ Sitting alone in my room with my lappy placed on my bed, I was thinking of a good opening for this new post yet nothing great or brilliant came into my mind so I've decided to just get on with the report. LOL.

First of all, I would like to take this chance to congratulate darrenshan for having the highest number of vote for the last three days the poll was opened! You are officially the 4th nominee for the Best Guildie of the Month this February. ^^ And thank you to all of you EastAngels for your great cooperation with the event by voting the guildie of your choice for the 4th placing this month. We, Archangels would also like to thank Fate_Wan and Anono for their many contributions and loyalty to the guild. EastAngels is a place where the faithful belongs.

But wait. That is not the end of the event just yet. Another poll will be placed for you Angels to decide which Angel will win the Best Guildie of the Month title this February. The four lucky Angels and their main contributions are:

  • Mantoya --------> One of the original members of the EastAngels; Second Mage in our main GRB team; Active PvPer in 1-15 on his MantoyaHMage.
  • Waach ---------> Third Mage in our main GRB team on his SirAoe.
  • Tohoshinki_HM ------------> Active PvPer in 1-15 and placed in the player ranking for high number of kills; Was once the Fourth Mage in our GRB team.
  • darrenshan -----------> Recruiting new member; First Archer in our main GRB team; PvPer in 1-15 on darrenshan.
Before I end this post, I also would like to congratulate one of our Archangel, Ragi for his great achievement in PvP 1-15 and getting no. 5 in the player ranking! Congratulations! We are so proud of you Ragi! And do have a look at some of the picture in the Angelic Collection I've added on the right. More will be added soon. Cya guys in the next post and don't forget to vote!

- MikoNazuhan

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Surely you can guess by now. LOL. It's GRB

Gah! It's Sunday again Angels meaning it's time for another GRB report. LOL. This is of course the third GRB report ever written on the blog. So do bare with me for a bit and read on.

Waking up at 4 am in the morning for GRB is starting to become a weekly routine for me. I was very impressed with the number of participation though sadly, two of our main mages: MantoyaHMage and SirAoe were unable to join us. Today's team was lead by our one and only UM defender, Ragi onSayur; two mages, Ano-Kun and raul_wixard; three rangers, pops on his PetiteBosha, SunnyElf and cybrokiller; and the first appearance of my UM priestess to replace LadyMiko, HotNurseMiko.

The whole battle started out a bit slow with raul-wixard got stuck near the portal pillars, cybrokiller got disconnected and SunnyElf fell in a hole and got brutally murdered. LOL. With PetiteBosha and Ano-kun being the only damager, the first ten minutes of GRB was going pretty bad until Raul came back on his UM mage, raul_Wi.Xard, Fate on LadyFate and cybrokiller came to join us from the 20-30 portal. The worst moment on GRB today was when we lost sight of Sayur and the mobs started to spawn all around us. PetiteBosha, LadyFate and Ano-kun got killed at once and I would have lose my UM if I do not have the spammable Self-Heal spell.

By the end of it, we were able to collect 5.1k before the 1 hour time limit ended. We are able to retain our ranking at no 37. LOL. Too bad though cause our points with guild no 36 differs only by 100 points. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Not too mention no 35 and 34. Oh well, we will try our best again next week to reach top 30 and gain our own Guild House!

Yay! Cya guys in the next post!

- MikoNazuhan

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Best Guildie of the Month Event begins now!

Happy Valentine's Day to all Eastern Angels! LOL. The 14th of February is here again this year. It's been awhile any post came up cause I've been very busy with school but now I'm free to write again. LOL. As stated above, the Guildie of the Month has finally started. Yay! I am so excited for it myself.

We, the Archangels of the EastAngels have cast our votes to choose the four best nominees to be placed in the poll for you guys to vote. Unfortunately due to the same number of votes on some guildies for the fourth placing, I've decided to let you Angels choose the best one for the fourth placing.

The three nominees for the fourth placing are:

  • Fate_Wan -----> Main contribution: Recruiting new members, Second priest in GRB team.
  • darrenshan -------> Main contribution: Recruiting new members, First archer in GRB team, pvper 1-15.
  • Ano_HM --------> Main contribution: Fourth mage in GRB team, HM healing priest for the guild.
Vote for the one you think is best for the fourth placing. LOL. I know who am I gonna vote for. BTW, any members who are granted the EA signature must give their desired nickname to be placed on the tag to our Archangel, Ragi and do visit the Angel Link below.

Cya guys in the next post which i will announce the four names for the Best Guildie of the Month poll. ^^

- MikoNazuhan.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The EastAngel's Tag

Hey Angels! LOL. It has been awhile since I've said that to greet you Angels in Guild Chat cause people ended up replying "Hey Charlie" to me! LOLOLOLOL. As you can see above this long writing of mine, this is our new and beautiful guild tag made by one of our Archangels, Ragi. Some of you might go, "What the heck??? Why is Miko's name written there???!!! @#$#$%$^%&^&^*".

Well, hold ya horses. Of course, the one I'm showing you here in the blog is a special made signature with my name on it. This tag will be given as a reward only to guildie who has shown his/her faithfulness and loyalty to our guild. You have to prove to us, the Archangels that you are worthy of this tag. What is it for? Well, you guys can use this as a signature in your Aeriagames web profile which is also a way to show that you are a proud member of the EastAngels.

Enough said, I would like to take this chance to welcome Mya aka Alma and BoshTitanium, our lovable Archangel to our blog. LOL. You are officially and truly an Angel. LOL. ^^ And congratulations to one of our Archangels, raul for finally obtaining his UM last nite! Yay! Omedeto gozaimas! Its gonna be my turn next. LOL. Watch out Teos. The EastAngels are here to play!

Cya in the next post. ;b

- MikoNazuhan

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Report on our latest GRB ^^

A week has passed since our last GRB and here it is again and today marks the seventh day we EastAngels have our own blog. LOL. It feels like yesterday though when I first log on to this blog and write up a post for you guys to read.

Well, last night turned out to better than our earlier expectation considering we have lesser participaton. Bosha and lil Ano were unable to join us due to work and we hope you two will be with us next week. Last nite GRB team consist of Sayur, our main UM defender; raul_wixard, MantoyaHMage and SirAoe who arrived a lil bit later as our main damager; me on LadyMiko as the party healer and last but not least, darrenshan who went through the lvl 31-60 portal alone. LOL. No casualties happened last nite even though I almost got killed during the first 5 minutes. LOLOLOLOLOL. We succesfully gained around 6.8k points after one hour time limit battle which is better than last week by 2k points. ^^ Congratulations to everyone!

Good news, good news! I am happy and proud to announce that we are now at no 37 in the guild rank list! Yay!!!!! We overthrew 3 houses from their rank and 7 more to get Top 30 and gain our own Guild House! LOL. Let's hope this will motivate more Angels to come and join us in next week GRB. We are so close now Angels!

Before I end this, do welcome Fate and Nia to our lovely blog. LOL. You are now officially an Angel. Do remember that the Best Guildie of the Month event is still running. Do your best for it Angels! Cya guys in the next post. LOL.

- MikoNazuhan

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Informations on Best Guildie of the Month event

Hey guys. Today has been a lil' bit hectic on my side so I was kinda late with the new post. But here it is more news for you guys to know.

I've posted before that we will be having this event starting from this month and it is still on. As mentioned before, the Archangels have decided to award one of our guildies for his/her contribution and loyalty to the guild each month. Whether you are active in events such as GRB, friendly and helpful, able to recruit new members, etc. etc. will be definitely boost your chance to be selected and even become the winner. Everyone has equal chance to win cause we will not look at your levels or modes.

It is simple really. The Seven Archangels will name 6 members from rank 3 and below of their choice and we will select the best 4 guildies from the whole list. The 4 names will be put up on a poll in the blog section for you guys to vote! Be reminded that the Archangels will not and not allowed to nominate ourselves for the best guildie of the month award but you are allowed to vote yourself in the poll later. LOL.

I am so excited for it and I hope this will motivate you guys to contribute more for the guild. ^^ Be wary that two of our Archangels have listed out six names of their choice. Who they are? Well that's a secret! LOL.

Do check out the cool widgets we have here and I see the most popular one is the shoutout box. LOL. New section for u guys to see. The Poll! LOL. And don't forget. We will be having GRB in less than 9 hours from now! All, who are participating, do get your lvl 15 avatars ready for it cause we wish to do more than we did last week. May be the Guild House be ours.

Oh well, have fun and cya in the next blog!

- MikoNazuhan

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our new blog template!

The EastAngel blog is finally 100% complete! Yay! The new template is here and I hope all of you will love it as much as I do. Its black, purple and white which makes it suitable for both boys and girls. LOL. Ain't girls smart and considerate?

Changing template was not an easy task considering I am no Techno Girl. LOL. It might be a surprise to all of you considering I am a gamer myself but playing games does not require knowing all these codings and HTMLs. Throughout the whole process of making it though, I learn a lot of new things and it is actually fun. LOL. Without knowing that changing a blog template means losing all of my widgets, it was a total shocker to me, which caused me to panic and scream. LOL. Thanks to knowing how to do everything by now, it took me less than 30 mins to remake the whole blog along with its many cool and awesome widgets. LOL.

Well, let's not end it there of course. I would like to take this chance to welcome some of our new registered Angels: Port, Neo, kaiRooL and Mantoya to our wonderful guild blog! Yay! ^^ Thank you so much for being here and you are officially our Eastern Angels. Do come and visit us regularly. Cya guys in the next post where I will tell you more about our Guild signature and Guild emblem which can be placed on our capes. ^^

- MikoNazuhan.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

All you need to know about GRB ~~

Good to see you guys again in our now and active blog. I'm starting to love this blog a lot and a usual visitor to this site. So I hope the habit will grow on all of you too. This post is written based on Anono's request and it's true. Most of us are on on different times so it's hard to explain everything in the game chat.

GRB as you know by now means the Guild Ranking Battle is one of the main events for all guilds in Shaiya, which includes us as well. It is one of the two ways for us to gain points for our guild and increase our rank in the guild ranking. Currently, we are at the Top 40 thanks to our main GRB team's effort to gain points every single week. It will be held every week at 4 am Sunday Malaysian Time (You can check the time difference based on the your local time clock and Malaysian Time clock on the right I've put up for you guys). I believe its on Saturday afternoon in the States but I do not know the exact time.

What do we do in GRB? We go into a special made dungeon from the Guild Management Office at Keo in Map 1. There will be three separate portals: 1-15, 16-30 and 31-60. Our main GRB team will go to the 1-15 portal every weekends and start gaining points by killing the special mobs there for one hour. Each portal will have one boss mob for us to kill. Up until now, due to lack of participation, we haven't yet able to slay the boss for extra points but I hope that more Angels will be there with your lvl 15 avatars and help us in gaining Top 30.

Once we get Top 30, we will be able to have our own Guild House, one facility desired by all guilds. It will provide us with services such as

  1. Free Gatekeeper service to different maps.
  2. Weapon and Protection Merchant that sells heroics and above items at cheap prices so no more farming for us.
  3. Warehouse Keeper for you to place your items, in case your personal WH is full.
  4. Accesory and Liquid Medicine Merchant that sells accesory and potions at lower prices than normal NPC.
  5. Special blacksmith to lapis our items at lower cost and higher % of success than normal blacksmith.
This is why we are striving to get Top 30. So we Eastern Angels can benefits from all of those services in the Guild House. I hope this will help all of you to understand why GRB is so important. We hope all of you will come down and join us in the coming GRB. Do check on the blog regularly okay? ^^

And as usual, I would love to welcome two 4th and 5th Angels to our blog. Please welcome Alfakyn and Raul or Mr. Founder!!! YAY! LOL. You are oficially an angel now! Oh yeah, I'm not sure whi Alfakyn is but from his surfer occupation, my guess is he is Darren. LOL. And do send your questions, shoutouts or chats on the ShoutOut box I placed on the right. Let's make our blog lively and fun.

Cya in the next post! ^^

- MikoNazuhan

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Upcoming Guild Events!

Hey again. LOL. The EastAngels blog is already up and running though it is still in progress of getting a good template. If it's up to me, I'll make the whole thing in pink with cute butterflies but I'm sure you boys will be screaming in pain so you better pray that our Mr. Founder will get you a nice manly template first. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Today's post will be about the two upcoming guild events! Yay! And you know this girl loves all kinds of events! The first event will be Hide and Seek or H&S (not the name of a european retail shop mind u, LOL) where one of our ArchAngels will hide and the others will seek for him/her. Winner of the event will of course be given AP item as a prize. The event will be held tomorrow at 12 am Malaysian time.

The second event is going to be one of the main guild events every single month of the year and I think some of you can guess what it is. It's the Angel of the Month people! The ArchAngels (including me LOL) will be discussing how the whole thing will be conduct but keep your hopes up and fingers cross. It's going to be one competition you don't want to lose! I know I want to win once at least. LOL. So, if you wish to win the title, start being a good and active Angel okay? ^^

Oh, BTW I would like to welcome Waach as the third one to register himselves as a guild member of our blog! Yay! LOL. Welcome my twin dragon. You are now officially an Angel!^^ Glad to have you here with us. Did you notice SirAoe in the picture down below? LOL.

Cya guys in the next post. Check out the cool widgets i got for the blog. Hope you guys will love this blog as much Mr. Founder n I do. LOL. And do check up on the blog regularly. Seems February a busy, busy, busy month! LOL.

- MikoNazuhan

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The East Archangels

Hey Angels! LOL. This post is a request from the founder of this blog that I write something about the guild ranks so here it is for you guys to read. Guild ranks are given based on your contribution to the guild which also shows the certain level of authority you have in the guild itself. The same goes to our guild as well. The East Archangel is a title given to our current leaders of Rank 1 and Rank 2s in the guild.

Rank 1 (Guild Master) : Just4Fun

Rank 2 (Elder Council) : .Ragi. ; NeoArchenGel; Amostha.HM; raul_kamikaze;
BoshTitanium; Sister-Miko.

What do we do in the guild? LOL. For now, our rank allows us to recruit and accept new members who applied for the guild. We are the ones you sought for when you are troubled or in trouble! LOLOLOLOL. And more responsibilities will come and other ranks from 3 to 9 will play their role accordingly once we have our own Guild House. LOL.

With that said, cya guys in the next post! And welcome Anono, as the second Angel to become the follower of this blog! Yay! If you are an Angel of our guild, don't forget to sign up as the follower of this blog. We'll be waiting. Cya later in the next post! ^^


Sunday, February 1, 2009

First GRB Report on the blog!

I'm a little excited to write since this is our first report on the blog about one of the Angels' main guild event: the Guild Ranking Battle (GRB). It was rather shocking to me when I log on at 3.45 am in the morning (GMT +8) to see that there a lot of our Angels already online, preparing themselves for GRB. It was the biggest party we've ever had: still led by our UM defender (Sayur), and a band of HM mages (raul_wixard, MantoyaHMage, SirAoe), a ranger (PetiteBosha) and two priestess including myself (LadyMiko and LadyFate). LOL.

I would say that everything went well until we reached the last 10 minutes. LOL. We were able to collect more than 5000 points with several casualties on our side too of course. First one to go down was my dad on his PetiteBosha when he got hit by the boss but luckily, I was still there to res him so all good until I, myself got hit by the boss. LOLOLOLOL. Which of course cause the whole team to lose our chance on getting the boss on today's GRB when Sayur and several others died.

But don't worry Angels. We have good news as well. Since today's GRB, the EastAngels are rank as one of the Top 40 Guilds in the Teos server. We are closer and closer to getting our own Guild House.

Congratulations to all GRB participants today and we hope this will encourage more Angels, including urself to come down and help us in any way you can by participating in the upcoming GRB. All you need to do is to make a level 15 avatar (preferably a mage or a priest) and be there when it is time for GRB. Need more details? Don't be afraid to ask us okay? LOL. Cya guys in the next post ^^

- MikoNazuhan