The EastAngels of the Light Goddess are here

The EastAngels, the one and only Malaysian guild in the Teos server, was originally made on the 20th of October 2008 to gather all the Malaysian players and get to know fellow gamers all over the world in the great world of Shaiya. Led by our Rank 1 leader, Just4Fun and a board of Rank 2 Elders, EastAngels is a community group recommended for players of all modes especially new players since we have experts in all types of classes to aid you in getting to know your avatars. Be assured that you will never feel lonely in the game since we are a good guild for you to enjoy guild chat while grinding. Our members, ranging from NMs to UMs, are very friendly, actively involved in all sorts of events and some of us are capable to speak in multiple types of languages which include Malay, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Indonesian and etc. etc. Come and get to know us! We will welcome you with a smile!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The EastAngel's Tag

Hey Angels! LOL. It has been awhile since I've said that to greet you Angels in Guild Chat cause people ended up replying "Hey Charlie" to me! LOLOLOLOL. As you can see above this long writing of mine, this is our new and beautiful guild tag made by one of our Archangels, Ragi. Some of you might go, "What the heck??? Why is Miko's name written there???!!! @#$#$%$^%&^&^*".

Well, hold ya horses. Of course, the one I'm showing you here in the blog is a special made signature with my name on it. This tag will be given as a reward only to guildie who has shown his/her faithfulness and loyalty to our guild. You have to prove to us, the Archangels that you are worthy of this tag. What is it for? Well, you guys can use this as a signature in your Aeriagames web profile which is also a way to show that you are a proud member of the EastAngels.

Enough said, I would like to take this chance to welcome Mya aka Alma and BoshTitanium, our lovable Archangel to our blog. LOL. You are officially and truly an Angel. LOL. ^^ And congratulations to one of our Archangels, raul for finally obtaining his UM last nite! Yay! Omedeto gozaimas! Its gonna be my turn next. LOL. Watch out Teos. The EastAngels are here to play!

Cya in the next post. ;b

- MikoNazuhan