The EastAngels of the Light Goddess are here

The EastAngels, the one and only Malaysian guild in the Teos server, was originally made on the 20th of October 2008 to gather all the Malaysian players and get to know fellow gamers all over the world in the great world of Shaiya. Led by our Rank 1 leader, Just4Fun and a board of Rank 2 Elders, EastAngels is a community group recommended for players of all modes especially new players since we have experts in all types of classes to aid you in getting to know your avatars. Be assured that you will never feel lonely in the game since we are a good guild for you to enjoy guild chat while grinding. Our members, ranging from NMs to UMs, are very friendly, actively involved in all sorts of events and some of us are capable to speak in multiple types of languages which include Malay, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Indonesian and etc. etc. Come and get to know us! We will welcome you with a smile!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our new blog template!

The EastAngel blog is finally 100% complete! Yay! The new template is here and I hope all of you will love it as much as I do. Its black, purple and white which makes it suitable for both boys and girls. LOL. Ain't girls smart and considerate?

Changing template was not an easy task considering I am no Techno Girl. LOL. It might be a surprise to all of you considering I am a gamer myself but playing games does not require knowing all these codings and HTMLs. Throughout the whole process of making it though, I learn a lot of new things and it is actually fun. LOL. Without knowing that changing a blog template means losing all of my widgets, it was a total shocker to me, which caused me to panic and scream. LOL. Thanks to knowing how to do everything by now, it took me less than 30 mins to remake the whole blog along with its many cool and awesome widgets. LOL.

Well, let's not end it there of course. I would like to take this chance to welcome some of our new registered Angels: Port, Neo, kaiRooL and Mantoya to our wonderful guild blog! Yay! ^^ Thank you so much for being here and you are officially our Eastern Angels. Do come and visit us regularly. Cya guys in the next post where I will tell you more about our Guild signature and Guild emblem which can be placed on our capes. ^^

- MikoNazuhan.